In a world filled with noise, inauthenticity, and forced interactions, I believe in a different approach.
My goal is to help you scale up in life, not down. I’m here to offer honest, straightforward advice and support, without the fluff or manipulation.
I would not want someone to do it to me so I don’t offer that type of energy to others!
Plain and simple.
A Personal Journey of Personal Growth and Resilience
I’ve faced my fair share of challenges, including a hit-and-run accident, a heart attack, and multiple pulmonary embolisms.
These experiences have taught me the importance of resilience, perseverance, and the power of personal growth.
My mission is to share these lessons with you and help you overcome your own obstacles.
Authenticity and Connection for Personal Growth and Resilience
I believe in the power of authentic connections.
I’m here to serve those who resonate with my energy and values. I won’t force anything on you, and I won’t chase after you.
If we connect, it’s because our paths were meant to cross.
Scaling Up Together For Personal Growth and Resilience
My goal is to help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be.
Whether you’re looking to improve your health, career, or relationships, I’m here to offer support and guidance.
Together, we can scale up in life and create a more fulfilling future and make personal growth and resilience a default way of life.
Let’s Connect

If you’re ready to embark on a journey of growth and transformation, I invite you to join me.
Let’s connect, share our experiences, and support each other on this incredible journey.
My Personal Values
Authenticity and Non-Forcefulness
One of my core values is authenticity.
I believe in being genuine and transparent in all my interactions.
I’m not here to sell you a false narrative or a quick fix.
What you see is what you get.
My focus stays more on what I want instead of all the stuff I don’t want.
Some would say that would result in personal growth and resilience.
I leave that up to people who are smarter than me.
Another key value is non-forcefulness.
I believe in meeting people where they are and supporting them on their journey at their own pace.
You will never hear me saying I have all the answers!
In fact, I am on this journey of life right along with you!
What makes me unique is the fact that I have a life experience that no one else has, and I use that as a means to connect with those who desire to connect with me.
I’m not going to chase after you or force my beliefs onto you.
If our paths align, it’s meant to be.
So what’s the next step?
Ready to take the next step in your life journey? Perhaps you need a solution that you feel I may be able to help you with online or via email?
That is what I am here for.
To meet you where you are and serve YOU!
So connect with my digital business care (link is above in this post) and send me an email.
That is where I do my best work as this allows for a deeper connection without all the noise and distraction of the world!
Looking forward to growing with you soon!
Transcript from Video:
What’s happening everybody Yours Truly here Xavier Smith and uh today in this video I’m G to be reintroducing myself I’m thinking of that song from Jay-Z allow me to reintroduce myself my name is so um if you are wondering why I’m looking to the side it’s just because I have my notes printed out on my other screen and so to make sure that this train flows as smoothly as possible
that’s what I’m looking at when I’m looking off camera uh so in today’s video I wanted to reintroduce myself because I’m all about making new friends and in this Creator economy I’m doing my best to learn and adapt to the things solutions that are available to us and
I’m listening to a few people that I’m really liking on YouTube and they are saying now is the perfect time to get on on YouTube although I’ve had my channel for years I want to dive deeper into the relationship side of it and so here I am that’s why I titled this my journey overcoming life’s challenges to help you thrive so that’s what we’re going to be talking about uh so
I have an outline here and so let’s talk about the purpose of this video if I haven’t already done so um it’s a reintroduction I get to in this video explain to you who I am what I’m all about what I’m trying to do here what I’m doing my best I hate using that word try because that is a non-committal word justifying failure and mediocrity so I do my best not to use that word although I just did so I’m correcting myself we’re going to get into a background story we’re going to get into my mission what to expect from this Channel
and then we’re going to close does that sound good to you say yes Hercules Hercules uh so that’s what it’s all about today um so with that being said let’s get into the backstory would you believe that you’re looking at someone who was hit by a drunk driver as a sophomore in high school that accident left me in the hospital for about two weeks where
I when I came to I had a blood clot uh the size of another head I think my grandparents are the first people there and my mom I think my dad came but uh I had a big blood clot on the side of my head and if you if I can press my fingers here I can still feel the little indentation where that you know star is or was but yeah I had a blood clot there broken collar bone I got this nice little PID has
a Sil would you believe that Dr thought it looks it looks more pronounced in person but the doctor thought I didn’t need stitches thought it would heal up on its own and it did but just healed looking like that so that happened like I said sophomore in high school drunk driver going
50 mil an hour in a residential Zone that’s what they say I was actually showing off for a female that had moved in next door I was on my moped I call it a motorcycle cuz the was right there on the top looked like a motorcycle and uh so I drive going to park into my grandparents driveway uh the guy hit me didn’t have a helmet on and I ended up uh crossing the street and in front of my neighbor’s house and it was ugly but I’m still here so there’s that um part of the backstory the other I I I I
like to say that my life is now driven by three incidents and that was one of them the other incident happened years later I was in the
Air Force and on leave visiting my younger brother playing we were playing basketball uh at ASU and I had a heart attack at 29 years old so that happened now as a result of that I have a stint my arteries were clogged by 50 %
with cholesterol and that’s what really got me starting to think differently about how did I cause this CU I knew it was me I just didn’t know how I did it but it was my poor eating habits that kind of led to me making poor decisions and then my body is just continuously trying to catch up with my bad choices
I mean me and my brother and I I think I was probably the worst I was more of the sweets guy but we would polish off a box of donuts each you know and then go to basketball practice and kind of you know play it off and so I thought I could eat anything I wanted and I was invincible until I found out I wasn’t so there’s that that happened 29 years old got me to do some soul searching I eventually got into a school for nutrition because I always wanted to learn a little bit more as to how the body does what it does um and learn how
I my arteries were clogged by 50% with cholesterol I did learn that I had hypertension in my bloodline and so we started I started trying to figure things out on as to how
I could correct that got my certification through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and I’ve been trying to there’s that word again I’ve been doing my best to help other people with their nutrition their battles their struggles because I’m helping people avoid some of the pitfalls that
I’ve already experienced in my life okay so that was incident number two uh incident number three later on uh I think it was early as my first incident I think it was 2016 I had a pulmonary embolism a saddle pulmonary embolism for those of you in the know you know that a saddle is
where the blood clot covers both your lungs and man that was ugly really like I when I when I say that I’m happy to be alive I mean that because I’m really not supposed to be here you’re talking about heart attack Survivor hit run drunk driving Survivor three pulmonary embolisms in my life experience and I’m still here so long story short the reason
I believe that I’m still here is because my mission is to continue to help other people whether it’s sharing my story through speaking um through personal training through counseling and uh consultation on
Fitness Nutrition life coaching because I went on to get certified as a life coach through Tony Robbins um training I have over 150 contact hours in that space so I like to think that I know a little bit about the human connection
and what people need and so what I do my best in doing is listening to people meeting them where they are so I can help them with what I know and with what I’ve experienced in my life and kind of help them to the next level at their pace so that’s kind of what that’s all about the reason I’m putting this video together is because I’m trying to do
I am doing my best to meet people where they are but in this Creator economy you know you it’s really hard to tell who needs help so this is where I am doing my part to reach out to you so you can reach out to me and then we can meet and see if we are a good fit for each other that make sense say yes Hercules Hercules if you said yes so I like to ask questions I’m curious by Nature uh you should also know that I’m a grandfather of 12 could you
believe that yes I’m married into that and her kids were all grown and my daughter has three and she completes the three of the 12 grandkids that we have together so it’s like a
Brady Bunch of love so that’s kind of what this is all about let me just look at my notes number three I was supposed to talk about my mission and I think I was that self-explanatory I want to help on my Facebook profile which I will link to if you are interested in discovering more about me through my social media channels uh is to it’s a zig Ziggler model
I want to help enough other people get what they want out of life so I can always have what I want out of life because everything that I want to do is contingent upon me helping someone else get what they want if that makes sense that’s part of my values speaking of which uh let’s see you might be interested in what I like to do for hobbies I’m since I’m big into you probably already know
I started this company called Fitness dungeon Athletics it’s a it’s like a excellent Solutions is the parent company and then Fitness dungeon so Fitness dungeon Athletics is a part of that I’ve been doing this out of my home since 2007 absolutely love it when people come to me ask for my help
I give it to them some people have stayed with me like five plus years some come and go but no matter what I do enjoy the process the journey and that’s what I’m all about so that’s about it I wanted to give myself about 10 minutes to try to give you as much information as possible so you can either be attracted to it or repelled by it so let me know where you stand uh do you like pure positive energy because that’s what my channel is all about pure positive energy and solutions the company like I said the company name is called
Xcellent solutions for a reason now mostly I’ve been talking about the fitness the nutrition life skills and things of that nature but I also like helping people out in the business realm so I do talk a lot about um
Solutions like software that helps people makes their lives a little bit easier I use a lot of software I’m big into studying Ai and uh all that it can do to make life easier for one person or many people so you’ll often find me talking a lot about that so in closing I’m all about Solutions I’m all about pure positive energy someone once called me the purveyor of pure positive energy and I like I liked it so much I told her
I’m going to stick with it so there you have it so drop a comment love to know where you’re from uh what kind of help you need if you need any do you like this video do you like pure positive energy do you like being uplifted because that’s what I’m all about so I would love to get to know you if you would like to know more about me and uh if not then the train just
keeps on moving so that’s all about that’s about all I have that I can think of today in future videos I would love to talk more about what you are concerned about like so let me know drop a comment in your in the description or in the comment section and let me know what what you would like to hear from me next I think I said that right uh because I’d like to know a
lot of my content is contingent upon what you are looking for so there’s that uh so looking at my I just want to make sure I’m doing everything final thoughts in with a positive message yeah so um I’m just happy to be alive and I mean that when I say that and the best part of my day today is talking to you guys and even better part is when you engage and let me know what you think of this video so I would love for you if you’re watching this on
YouTube hit that Thumbs Up Hit the subscription and hit that little bell so you’re notified every time I come out with content and right now I don’t have a permanent schedule I just you know I want to see how this resonates with you and then go from there uh but
I will drop some links to where you can find me I will drop some links to some of the tools that I’ve been talking about that I maybe forgot in the video portion you will see it below in the description and then I will sit and wait on you to take action and drop your comments because I like to read every one of them especially uh because I’m trying to grow my Empire on the YouTube space so let’s grow together
show me who you are and let me know what I can do for you to serve you because uh that’s what I’m all about we’re at 13 minutes guys I think that’s about all the time I have and you’ve seen enough of this ugly mug so it’s time for me to go before I do let me give you a proper sign off and remember dating myself here but I’m so glad we’ve had this time together what show did that come from my name is Xavier Smith AKA coach X and I’ll see you next time bye